Anyone with an Adams County Library card can now stream 30,000+ free films from Kanopy

Anyone with an Adams County Library card can now stream 30,000+ free films from Kanopy. Kanopy offers high-quality films to libraries around the globe that inspire, educate, and entertain. Their unique selection offers something for everyone; from award winning indie films to important and timely documents, foreign films, popular cinema, children’s shows, and more. 
“Digital access to a curated film collection is the natural next step for library services in Adams County,” said Executive Director Miranda Wisor. “24/7 access to ebooks and e-audiobooks is already popular with ACLS cardholders. The same access to streaming videos just makes sense.” 

The viewing experience with Kanopy is easy-to-use and completely advertisement free. Library cardholders can access Kanopy on their computer, mobile device, TV apps, and more through the library’s website or the Kanopy app. Many of Kanopy’s films are not available on any other streaming platform. 

The library system’s subscription includes access to Kanopy Kids, a carefully curated collection of children’s programming that supports early literacy, STEM education, and even foreign language learning. The educational resources use favorite children’s characters from Sesame Street, PBS Kids, Weston Woods, and more. 

To learn more and start using Kanopy, visit any ACLS location or 

A Virtual Evening with Anika Orrock: All-American Girls Professional Baseball League


(GETTYSBURG, PA) On Tuesday, March 28 at 6:30PM, Anika Orrock will join the Adams County Library System via Zoom to speak about her book: All-American Girls Professional Baseball League. She will speak on the topics of equity and opportunity in the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League - through anecdotal stories & real-life history. This program is sponsored by: Barley Snyder.

More about the author:
Anika Orrock is an award-winning illustrator, writer, comic artist, designer, storyteller & author of The Incredible Women of the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League (Chronicle Books, 2020). Anika’s work is included in the Society of Illustrators 62nd Annual exhibition & book and has been featured in national publications, including The Washington Post, The New York Times, The San Francisco Chronicle, and on NPR. In 2018, she created the illustrations for “Socks!”, the modern classic Christmas album by the JD McPherson Band.

Registration is required on the library’s website to receive the Zoom link: or by calling: 717-334-5716.

An Evening with Alafair Burke – Adams County Library’s Signature Event Fundraiser


(GETTYSBURG,PA) An Evening with Alafair Burke is this year’s Adams County Library's annual Signature Event Fundraiser. A meet and greet with the New York Times best-selling author will take place on Friday, September 16th from 6-9 PM.  A limited amount of VIP tickets are available which include: a private champagne reception with Alafair Burke, an autographed copy of her latest book, a catered mixer, keynote by Alafair Burke, two adult beverages, silent auction, and an additional book signing opportunity. VIP reception starts at 6pm. Regular tickets include: a catered mixer, keynote by Alafair Burke, two adult beverages, silent auction, and book signing opportunity. The signature event is the Library’s most important annual fundraiser that helps raise funds to better serve the community. The funds are used to expand and support new and existing programs and services, and to ensure collections are current and relevant.  For tickets visit:

More about this year’s guest author, Alafair Burke:

Alafair Burke is a New York Times, Edgar Award nominated author of twenty crime novels. Published in more than twenty languages, her books have been featured on “Best Book” lists including the Today Show, Entertainment Weekly, People, O (Oprah Magazine), The Boston Globe, and the Washington Post.

In addition to the standalone novels that have earned her a reputation as “a virtuoso” of domestic suspense, she authors two series. In addition to her own work, Alafair also co-authored the “Under Suspicion” series with Queen of Suspense Mary Higgins Clark.

Author Visit with Matt Phelan


(GETTYSBURG, PA) – Author Matt Phelan is doing an author visit at Conewago Township Elementary School on May 25, 2022 at 9:30 AM. Matt Phelan is an award-winning, New York Times-bestselling author/illustrator of picture books, middle grade novels, and graphic novels for young readers. The visit was coordinated with the Adams County Library System as a part of our My 1st Card program and is sponsored by ACNB.  The program aims to introduce every first grader in Adams County to the abundance of books, programs and electronic resources available through library membership. Card sign-up is available on the website at:

5TH Annual Funfest at the Gettysburg Rec Park


(GETTYSBURG,PA) For the fifth year, the Adams County Library System is hosting FunFest on Friday, June 10 from 4-7pm at the Gettysburg Rec Park , 545 Long Lane. FunFest is a free event for the entire family that celebrates the kick-off into SummerQuest, the Adams County Library summer learning program. FunFest encourages children & families to experience everything the community has to offer. Local organizations host vendor booths and provide crafts and activities for children to celebrate this year's 'Oceans of Possibilities' theme. There will be a DJ, face painting, balloon artists & more! Food, shaved ice, and the popular milkshakes from the PA Dairymen’s Association will be available for purchase. For more information:

Friends of the Library Spring Fever Garage Book Sale 


The Friends of Adams County Library System’s Second Annual Spring Fever Garage Book Sale is back!  This year’s book sale will be held on Saturday, April 30th (rain date May 7th) from 8am to 3pm in the Gettysburg Library Garage off High Street.  There will be approximately 1,000 gently used books for sale at discount prices, including children’s books, pets and animals, nature, and many more. In addition, the Friends Book Store, located on the first floor of the Library on Baltimore Street, will be open for purchase of more books on history, civil war, puzzles, crafts, and more.  We are looking forward to a spectacular event with a fabulous bake sale at this year’s event.