We need you!

You have special skills and talents that can enrich the lives of the community members we serve! By giving the gift of time and knowledge there are many things you can accomplish as a volunteer.


Volunteer Position Descriptions

Here is the list of potential volunteer opportunities. 

Click on the position for more information. 

Volunteer Position - Circulation Assistant

Volunteer Position - Processing

Volunteer Position - FunFest

Volunteer Position - One Book Committee

Volunteers can also become involved with a Friends of the Library group to raise funds and awareness of Library needs! They will receive 20% off at the book store. 


Volunteer Clearances

All adult volunteers (18 years old and older) of the Adams County Library System must are required to have current clearances from appropriate agencies. All volunteers must provide a minimum of two Pennsylvania clearances.  For those who have not lived in Pennsylvania for 10 years, a Federal Criminal History Certification is also required.  

The Adams County Library System will accept copies of any current clearances you may have due to volunteer work at another organization or as a requirement of your employment.

The two Pennsylvania clearances and online training are free for volunteers.  All of these should be completed online.  You are welcome to use the library computers to apply for clearances and/or access the online training. Clearances must be received by the library prior to beginning volunteer work.


PA Child Abuse Clearance:

Click Here to fill out the Child Abuse Clearance forms online.

  • Begin with "Create an Individual Account." if this is the first time you are completing this application.


PA Criminal History:

Click Here to begin a new record check.  Choose the "Volunteers Only" option.


In addition, all library volunteers must complete the online Child Abuse Mandated Reporter Training. Child Abuse Mandated Reporter Training Course:

Click Here to begin the Child Abuse Training Course.

  • You will enter the site by clicking on "Registration" in the blue stripe at the top of the page.  

  • The training will take between one and one-half to three hours to complete.  

  • You will be able to print a certificate once you have completed the training.



Interested in volunteering? Fill out this form and a staff member will get back to you.

All volunteers must provide two Pennsylvania clearances. For those who have not lived in Pennsylvania for 10 years as of June 30, 2016, a Federal Criminal History Certification is also required. In addition, all library volunteers must complete online Child Abuse Mandated Reporter Training. As a result of the revisions to the Child Protective Services Act, the Adams County Library System must ask you to comply with the new regulations.

Your Home Address:
Are there any limitations which might affect your ability to volunteer? If so, please explain:
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Emergency Contact Information
Emergency Contact Information
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Have you volunteered with us before?
If Yes, where and when:
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Age Range
Which Library are you interested in volunteering at?
Reason for Volunteering
Must be 14+
9am - noon
noon - 5pm
5pm - 8:30pm
9am - noon
noon - 5pm
1pm - 5pm
Library will work with you to set up a schedule.
Have you ever been convicted of a crime involving a minor?
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