Books and other materials normally used by libraries may be accepted by the Executive Director as a gift with the explicit understanding that she/he may or may not add all or part of it to the collection. The Library shall not undertake the responsibility of placing a value on any gift presented to it. The Library will, upon request, provide the donor with a written description of the gift. In the case of books, the written description would include the quantity of books and designation of hardback or paperback.

The Library welcomes gifts of money, securities, or property such as art objects, portraits, antiques, and other museum objects if they are readily usable for library purposes or can be made so at little cost and written permission is granted by the donor or his agent to convert them to money.

*All contributions to the Adams County Library System are tax deductible; all gifts will be acknowledged by letter. Because of the complexity of tax codes and other laws, persons considering bequests or endowments to the Library are urged to consult with their financial and legal counsels.